Friday, December 20, 2019

The Decline of Christianity in Europe - 1943 Words

The Decline of Christianity in Europe The twentieth century was a time of great flux and anxiety in Europe as the supremacy of Christianity in Europe was being challenged by the fronts of biblical criticism, and evolution. According to Rev, Andrew Greeley, a social sciences professor at the University of Chicago, belief in God has increased in Russia and Hungary and decreased in Britain, the Netherlands, western Germany and France. Atheism thrives in eastern Germany, Russia, The Czech Republic and France. Interestingly though, most European countries report denominational affiliation. According to Dr Greeley, there was a time when people were more religious than they are now. Secularizers like to point to the decline as†¦show more content†¦Darwin argued that those individuals that are well suited to their environment survive, prosper and give birth to new individuals that share their characteristics, while those less suited will die out. Any new characteristics with which an individual is born are likely to be passed on if it is useful. Species evolve and develop in a process that is not random, or determined by God, but instead follows natural laws (Towns). The theory of evolution contradicted fundamental Christian beliefs about humanity and sin. In 1871, Darwin published the Descent of Man, in which he argued that human beings evolved naturally from lower creatures stating that not only does life itself follow natural laws but also the human mind and soul are not some supernatural element breathed into the body by God. By eliminating God, Darwin was saying that they evolved from nothing thus eliminating the most important element, God. (Hill). The theory of evolution denied the direct creation of man by God and the greatest damage came from the application of that theory to the development of religion. Darwinism was born. God and the Bible were looked upon as the evolutionaryShow MoreRelatedThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1419 Words   |  6 Pagesa more important role than the other . The Huns and the End of the Roman Empire in Western Europe, written by Peter Heather and Storming the Heaven: Soldiers, Emperors and Civilians in the Roman Empire, written by Antonio Santosuosso’s, are interpretations of two historians both expressing varying ideas of what caused Rome’s decline. Both imply that internal factors are indeed the reason for the decline of the emperor, however, one could possibly agree more with interpretation of Antonio Santosuosso’sRead MoreThe Classical Period Directions, Diversities And Declines By 500 C.e1187 Words   |  5 PagesQuestions: Notes: The Classical Period Directions, Diversities and Declines by 500 C.E. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Automotive Supply Chain and Logistics Management †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Automotive Supply Chain and Logistics Management. Answer: Introduction Operational management is defined as the art and science of producing the goods and services and deliver these goods and services to the customers. The operations management areas involve the different operations such as quality management, supply chain management, production processes and customer services. There are many challenges that are faced by the organizations and various success factors in the businesses. This report carried out to analyze the automobile industry by taking the company Toyota for the research. This report covers the impact of the operational management or decisions on the performance of the Toyota company. There are many factors that are explained such as change in technology, managerial methods and the operational research on the basis of the automobile industry. This research also describes the impact of the operations on the customer satisfaction and efficiency of the company. The main purpose of the report is the deep analysis of the challenges faced by the Toyota company and their critical success factors for the Toyota with respective to the future. There are two parts in this report. First part demonstrates the challenges faced by the companies like changing technologies, globalization, change in the expectations of the company, change in the job designs, global manufacturing and quality management. The second part of the report covers the different areas of the operational management for the better understanding of the success of the automobile industry(Braese, 2003). The different key challenges from the different factors are going to be explained in order to understand their effect on the success of the business in future. The challenges of the Toyota company are : In the modern world, the technologies are changing very rapidly and this change in the technology is the opportunity as well as a threat to the automobile industry. The Toyota company has gained the good position in the competitive world by offering innovative car designs also competing with the various other companies like Honda, Maruti Sazuki, Volkeswagon, Nissan, Audi and Scoda. The Toyota companies used the latest technologies in order to compete in the automobile industry. Toyota is the UK based automobile company dealing with the manufacturing of automobiles. The company is focused on continuous improvement through these latest technologies for the long term. The Toyota company became the worlds largest top ten manufacturers of the cars and other vehicles. The Toyota is focusing on the latest technologies in order to gain the market share. There are many companies who are investing a large amount of the money on the research and development of the latest technologies in order t o bring that technology in the company for the future success. If the Toyota company will not adopt the latest technology while manufacturing and designing the cars, then the company will face the huge losses(IBM, 2007). Continued Globalization of Markets The businessmen are trying to find different ways to create a unique selling proposition over other competitors to make the consumers prefer their services over other competitors in the market. This change has been seen in all the top organizations and if we have a look at the stats, the economy has been improved a lot due to growth of global markets. So, to stay in the market, every day a new strategy is established by the financier to retain its position in the market. Globalization provides a great opportunity to the companies for the expansion of the business in the international markets(Leskova, 2012). The reason of the entering into the global markets is to reduce the cost resource sharing and by grasping the more business opportunities in the future. Toyota expanded its business in various countries and investing money to enter into those markets who have the high market potential growth.The company already invested its money in the Southern US, Ontario, Ottawa and Indian global markets just to gain the maximum profits. The challenge connected with the globalization is that the competition for the Toyota company become high because of the market are dominated by the other competitors too that affects the profitability of the firm. The changing customer expectations are also a challenging factor. Customers expectations are always high because the Toyota already set a benchmark for the quality products. The customer of Toyota expects fro the company more quality of the automobiles with more features, design , new technology and the reasonable prices. The Automobile industry tends to increase share in the market, revenue growth, more customers and less number of complaints. The customers are very peculiar about choosing the vehicle for the own satisfaction. The companies adopt various strategies to meet the expectations and demands of the customers. The most difficult part of the automobile industry is to understand the market needs of the customers as the Toyota company is not focusing only on one customer, they are targeting the millions of customers. However, the company needs to build strategies to meet the customer standards by introducing new car designs and quality productivity(Lekova Kov?ova, 2012). Changing Job Designs The change in the job designs has the direct relation with the improvement of the employee performance. The flexible working hours leads to improve the productivity of the employees. It is very important to retain the employees in the automobile industries by designing the job working hours in the organization. Job design could be obtained through job rotation, simplification, enlargement, enrichment and flexible working hours. It is very important to meet the employee expectations and needs too for the quality work and the strategies should be implemented by the Toyota company in order to make their employees satisfied. Toyota is the automobile company that is famous for its high quality of vehicles across all over the world. The quality control is the main aim of the company because it is directly related to the customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction in end is the main focus of the every company and this will result in the building of the brand image and company earns maximum profits because of its quality. The Toyota company is not producing the same products as there are many models of the cars that introduced by the Toyota company such as Innova, Fortuner, Etios etc. Toyota always follow the Kaizen, which stands for the continuous improvement by understanding the needs and expectations of the customers for the future period of time. The company mainly focuses on those strategies that aims at increasing the quality of the vehicles, efficiency of the company and reducing the cost of the manufacturing. The strength of the company is its brand name as the every person in this world is fami liar with the Toyota and its products. It is very significant to maintain the highest quality of the products and launch them in the market by keeping in mind about the needs of the customers at the affordable prices. However, the Toyota Company focuses on the quality theories and initiated manufacturing keeping in mind all the factors of quality control. Total quality management is the collective effort made by the top management and the employees who are responsible for formulating the strategies to manufacture the highest quality automobiles, which meet the level of customer satisfaction(OSAT, 2012). Toyota has its manufacturing plants in various countries like US,Canada, India and China. It has been analyzed the 50% of the cars are manufactured in the United states and 50% in the Ontario, Canada. The company set up offices in the different areas in the UK airport free zone, in order of which sales have been increased in double profits in the last few years. It is the only general decision to open a regional office in the UK, which is experiencing instant economic growth along with the London. The Canadian plants producing the millions of cars and introduce them into the global markets. The Toyota company established its manufacturing plant in the Melbourne too and other various places. The global manufacturing helps in improving the supply chain of the organization. Global manufacturing challenges for the Toyota company are innovation, education and training, manufacturing excellence, information technology, and clean manufacturing. The manufacturing plants at the different plac es needs more resources, capital that adds cost to the automobile company. The management of the huge number of the manufacturing plants becomes difficult for the organizations. Operations Management Areas of the Toyata This is the second part of the report that focusing on the operational areas of the business that influence the success of the organization. The different areas of the Toyota company are supply chain, inventory management and work design that contribute to the success of the business. The Supply chain is the system that focuses on the process of the movement of the raw materials to the production houses and then deliver the final products to the customers. There are many people involved in the supply chain, including, suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, and retailers make that product available for the consumers. All these people come together with a purpose to convert the raw material into the final products and delivery of these products to the customers. The below given figure shows the supply chain process of the Toyota. The supply chain of Toyota involves the collection of the parts of the automobiles from the different suppliers and the consolidate those parts to deliver them to the different vendors(Cassivi, et al., 2000). This is the most challenging task to manage the supply chain in the organizations and these main activities involved in the transformation of the goods from the raw materials to the final products consumed by the customers. The process of the creation of the products and customers consumption of these products. Looking into the previous years and the last 3 years industry reports, it has been observed that the globalization has a great impact on the supply chains. There are no such restrictions on the trade of the products and services in certain areas. Talking about the automobile industry,then the Toyota company in todays world makes use of the latest technologies inthe supply chains. In the past years, the activities like planning, manufacturing and retailing etc. are done by the industries itself. But now the industries are using the different kind of softwaresto manage the supply chain(Dinesh, 2015). Toyota company has more than the 3000 suppliers in the different countries in t he world and the supply chain model of Toyota company is greatly influenced by the fairness and win win situation. The Toyota company has the clear and transparent policies of the supply chain management. There are many risks involved in the supply chain management andthe industries build many strategies to integrate all the activities and this is the best way tomanage the supply chain. The automobile industry is chosen for the analysis and to understand thedifferent challenges faced by the industry. The automobile industry is the sector which is growingrapidly and every country is contributing to this automobile industry. The automobile industry has many companies like Honda, Maruti Sazuki, Nissan, Ford, Volkswagon and Audi, etc.The role played by the supply chain management is very significant for the success of the automobile industry(Deloitte, 2013). In the developing economies, there are many other environmental factors that affect the sustainable business like transportation of the stocks from one place to another and these factors are like pollution, poverty, and natural resource depletion. As the automobile companies are highly linked with the transportation sector. The population of the countries is increasing very fast and it will obviously create more pollution from the automobiles and also the increase in the usage ofvehicles bring the road networks jams because of traffic. These traffic jams and pollution affectthe business by the creating negativity in the customer mind and delay in the stock delivery. Moving further, the other environmental factorslike weather during the season of Monsoon that creates problems for the automotive industry todeliver the goods in a safe manner and on time. As the automobile industry is very famous and withthe increase in the population, more and more clients availed these services and pro ducts offered by the different companies like Honda, Volkswagon, Audi, Nissan and Maruti sazuki. The Automobile industry is facing challengesnow in building the strategies to deal with the increasing clientele, environmental factors,diseases and expectations of the customers(Suthikarnnarunai, 2008). Inventory management The models of the inventory management are very helpful to find out the quantity ofthe stock that is transported to the retail stores at least two times a week. As the stock of the cars, bikes and other automobiles in the automobile industry is very limited and it is verysignificant to identify that each retail store of the automobile is getting the stock as per their needs.The workers and the staff members, who are responsible for the management of the stock andtheir quantity of their automobile industries outlets. The inventory management is important as the inventories are the assets of the company and used by the firm. Inventories are acting as the resource for the company as well as cost to the company. However, it is very important to have the economic orders of the quantity level. The process of inventory management includes planning, coordinating and controlling, storing, handling , distribution and sale of the materials , tools and parts by keeping in mind all the needs of the customers. Inventory involve the raw material, or we can say the essential parts of the machinery, work in progress activities and the finishing by storing those inventories or goods for the future case. The inventory is always stored in order to meet any future uncertainties and to meet the demand of the customers in the case of the emergency. Managing the inventory is playing the important role as in reducing the costs, improving the supply, and maintenance of the production houses. The main purpose of the inven tory management is to increase the level of production by maintaining the sufficient level of the stock in order to increase the profitability of the company. The main role played by the inventory management is to control the costs, to manage the demand and supply chain and reduce the losses of insurance or any damage. There are many areas on which the Toyota company is spending a lot of money to hold the huge stock for future, and control the ordering cost and storage costs(Gnther Meyr, 2012). Critical Success factor The inventory management of the Toyota company is the critical success factor for the automobile business. There are many questions comes in mind while storing the stock or inventory for the future like what type of parts of the Toyota cars or vehicles should be stored and what would be the turnover ratio of the Toyota company. It has been analyzed that there are many companies who saves the 50% of the production costs. The different success factors of the Toyota will be to maintain the inventory that is required on the daily basis for the business transactions. Moreover, it is important to understand the concepts of the cost factors in order to avoid the excessive inventory. Tracking of the inventory is also the success factors as the company will get to know about the latest an outdated technology and to bring a change in the technology to gain the competitive advantage. However, it is very important to have the economic orders of the quantity level. The inbound and the outbound logistics need to be improved to resolve the issues faced by the Automobile industries. The inbound logistics means to establish the strong relationship with the suppliers and to make proper use of the resources as well as raw materials to avoid the waste and to manage the supply chain in the Automobile industry. The outbound logistics is the term used forthe delivery of the products like for the consumption of the consumers. All the products like Cars, two wheelers, and other vehicles and equipments need to be stored and distribute in the people by usingdifferent sales strategies. The procurement in the supply chain is very important to avoid themain issues and it refers to the communication take place between the supplier, retailers,wholesalers and the distributors via phone call or emails. This communication is very significantfor the timely delivery of the ready products to the customers. Another important factor in thesupply chain management is the u se of the latest technology. There are many technologies usedby the automobiles companies like, airbags, painting and denting of the cars, automatic cars, sound systems and Cloudcomputing for the tracking of goods throughout its business lifecycle(Golinska, 2006). The layout of the work and the facility is the arrangement of the resources used by the companies that consume the space in relation to the physical facilities. It is very important to design the working schedules and the facilities while adding some new things in the automobile industry. For example, the change in the production line, adding of new workers and change in the delivery services, etc, all these demands the change in the design and facilities. The layout of the facilities includes the following elements: Product layout Process layout Cellular layout Position layout. The Toyota company first need to establish the objectives and goals of the services and then develop the operational strategies to meet those goals for the companys better future. Talking about the design of the work, then it is very essential that assigning the duties and responsibilities to the workers leads to achieve the company objectives. The job enlargement and job rotation are the main elements of the job design. The change in the job designs has the direct relation with the improvement of the employee performance. The flexible working hours leads to improve the productivity of the employees. It is very important to retain the employees in the automobile industries by designing the job working hours in the organization. Job design could be obtained through job rotation, simplification, enlargement, enrichment and flexible working hours. It is very important to meet the employee expectations and needs too for the quality work and the strategies should be implemented by the Toyota company in order to make their employees satisfied(Schmitz, 2012). The Toyota company is focusing on its services provided to the customers as the customer satisfaction is the most important factor of the success of the company and building the brand image of the same. The car manufacturers have the responsibilities to provide the best customers facilities and to assign the task according to the skills and abilities of the employees. Following is the figure, that depicts the flow of the information as well as he vehicle which has the main motive to provide the best facilities to the customers for the purpose of increasing the sales and profits. The Toyota company also established its various sevices centers to provide the maintenance and the repair of the automobiles. The company is also focusing on the after sales facilities to build the brand image and to satisfy their customers(Taylor, 2008). Conclusion In this report, all the operation management factors are discussed with respect to the automobile industry and by taking an example of the Toyota company. The main findings of the report outline the customer, satisfaction, production efficiency and productivity of the employees and how to gain the competitive advantages. The main purpose of the report is the deep analysis of the challenges faced by the Toyota company and their critical success factors for the Toyota with respective to the future. There are many challenges that are faced by the organizations and various success factors in the businesses. This report carried out to analyze the automobile industry by taking the company Toyota for the research. This report covers the impact of the operational management or decisions on the performance of the Toyota company. There are many factors that are explained such as change in technology, managerial methods and the operational research on the basis of the automobile industry. In th e past years, the activities like planning, manufacturing and retailing etc. are done by the industries itself. But now the industries are using the different kind of softwares to manage its all operations. Toyota company has more than the 3000 suppliers in the different countries in the world and the operational model of Toyota company is greatly influenced by the fairness and win win situation. The Toyota company has the clear and transparent policies of the operational management. However, it is concluded that the supply chain management, inventory management and the work and facility management are the main operations that results in the success of the company for the future period of time. References Braese, N., 2003. The Dynamics of Supply Chains in the Automotive Industry, Available at: Cassivi, L., Lefebvre, L. Hen, G., 2000. Supply Chain Integration in the Automobile Industry: The Case of ANX, Available at: Deloitte, 2013. Fast Tracking the Indian Automotive Logistics: CII, Available at: Dinesh, R., 2015. Building world class automotive supply chains, Available at: Golinska, P., 2006. Monitoring the operations management performance in automotive industry, Available at: Gnther, H. Meyr, H., 2012. Production and operations management in the automotive industry (part 2), Available at: IBM, 2007. The smarter supply chain of the future: global chief supply chain officer study, Available at: Leskova, A., 2012. Logistics concept of supply chain in automotive production, Available at: Lekova, A. Kov?ova, L., 2012. Automotive Supply Chain outline, Available at: OSAT, 2012. Supply chain management: New competitive realities in the automotive value chain, Available at: Schmitz, A., 2012. Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Industries, Available at: Suthikarnnarunai, N., 2008. Automotive Supply Chain and Logistics Management. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Volume 2, pp. 1-7. Taylor, M., 2008. Operations management research in the automotive sector: Some contemporary issues and future directions. International Journal of Operations Production Management, 28(6), pp. 480-489.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Reliance Communications free essay sample

[emailprotected] co. in SUMMER TRAINING REPORT [pic] â€Å"COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CHANNEL SATISFACTION SERVICES OFFERED BY DIFFERENT TELECOM PROVIDERS TO THE RETAILOR’S† . INDEX ? ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ? HISTORY OF TELECOMMUNICATION ? INDUSTRY PROFILE ? HISTORY OF RELIANCE COMMUNICATION ? RELIANCE ADA GROUP ? RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS ? RELIANCE CAPITAL ? RELIANCE MUTUAL FUND ? RELIANCE HEALTH ? RELIANCE ENERGY LTD. ? RELIANCE GENERAL INSURANCE ? RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS ? COMPANY PROFILE ? CHAIRMAN PROFILE ? PROJECT PROFILE ? BSNL ? TATA INDICOM ? AIRTEL HUTCH ? RELIANCE ? BRAND CHANGE ACTIVITY ? RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ? PROBLEM DEFINITION ? RESEARCH PROBLEM ? RESEARCH OBJECTIVE AND SUBOBJECTIVE ? INFORMATION REQUIREMENT ? CHOICE OF RESEARCH DESIGN ? RESEARCH INSTRUNMENT USED ? SAMPLING TECHNIQUE ? FIELD WORK METHOD ? LIMITATIONS ? QUESTIONNAIRE ? ANALYSIS ? SAMPLE PROFILE ? PRIMARY DATA TABULATION INTERPRETATION ? INTERPRETATION AND FINDINGS ? CONCLUSION ? SUGGESTIONS ? BIBLIOGRA PHY acknowledgment With great pleasure, , I extend my deep sense of gratitude towards my project head Mr. Vibhas shukla under whose valuable guidance, constant interest and encouragement, which have devoted his ever-precious time from his busy schedule and his thus in completing the project. This co-operation is not only useful for this project but will be a constant source of inspiration for us in future life. I am also thankful to all employees who helped me intellectually in preparation of this project directly or indirectly. History of Telecommunication †¢ The kings used human messengers to communicate to their people in various states within their kingdom or to people in other kingdoms. Julius Caesar, the emperor of Rome, more than 200 years ago, used pigeons to send messages back home battle. †¢ Pigeons were even used during World War II as war messengers. †¢ The ‘Dawk’ (pounced as Dak) system was started in India in the year 1688, when the first office of the company post was established in Mumbai (then known as Bombay) and Chennai (then known as Madras). †¢ In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell spoke the first words on the telephone â€Å"Mr. Watson come here, I want to see you†. †¢ In 18887-1902, the first patents for the pa y telephone with a slot for coins were filed. Mr. Bell once again used the phrase â€Å"Mr. Watson come here, I want to see you† in 1915 when he was invited to the opening of the complete transcontinental telephone line connecting the west coast and the east coast. However, this time, Mr. Watson responded saying that it would take him a week to get there as he was in San Francisco. †¢ In 1915, the first wireless voice transmission between New York and Sans Francisco signaled the beginning of the convergence of radio and telephony. †¢ In the mind-1960’s the original concept underlying the Internet was developed. It was on August 15th 1995 that VSNL provided us with freedom to information gateway- the INTERNET. TELEPHONY †¢ Telephony is the traditional voice communication over a wired/wireless network. †¢ It is communication facilitated by telephones Mobile Telephony †¢ In the landline, communication happens between two fixed points, the receiver and speaker. There is a fixed medium, a line o r connection, in between. †¢ In mobile telephony either one or both the points can be mobile. Unlike a landline, there is no physical wire connecting them. Cell phone Technology is an umbrella term used to describe technologies that enable people to access networks services any place, any time and anywhere. †¢ It is supported by several technologies such as GSM, CDMA etc. each with its own advantage and disadvantages. Cellular Approach †¢ In cellular approach, each city or area is covered by a number of hexagonal cells on a big hexagonal grid. The hexagonal cells overlap at the outer boundaries. †¢ A hexagonal shape is maintained as it helps in maximum transmission/reception. Each cell has a base station that consists of a tower and a small building containing the radio equipment. The transmitter’s span of coverage is called a cell. †¢ The mobile telephone interacts with the closest cell. Introduction The evolution of internet has led to the convergen ce of telecommunications networks and computers. Benefits associated with World Wide Web (WWW) are of great importance now-days: people are able to communicate via e-mail, perform data transfers, online shopping, online auctions, etc. Traditionally internet services have been provided by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) using modems, with data rates limited to 56. 6kbps. With the need for higher speed internet services, Broadband ISPs emerged providing faster data rate based on Cable and DSL technologies. In the United States, the Federal Communications (FCC) defines as broadband internet service the one operating in 200 kbps in both directions. According to a December 2004 report, the U. S. broadband penetration is at 53. 6%, far behind the penetration rate in other developed countries, e. g. Japan and Korea [55]. Recently evolved IEEE 802. 11x technologies have opened a whole new era accessing the Internet wirelessly, giving traditional users the advantage of mobility. The majority of existing technologies are localized, difficult to deploy in accessible areas, time consuming, and expensive. The increasing demand for wireless packet data services has opened a new market segment in the wireless industry: the Wireless Internet Services (WIS). The WIS market provides excellent opportunities to telecom operators and entrepreneurs to become Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISP). WISs can provide high-speed services in remote areas and over cost elective solutions, overcoming the limitations of wired and short-range wireless services. The commercial wireless industry was built in a span of three decades. It has evolved from circuit switched voice service to IP based voice and data services. The importance of mobile services grew in people’s day to day life, since the first service was launched. The fundamental idea behind launching mobile services, was voice communication with an added feature of short messaging services (SMS). Thanks to continuous growth in mobile subscriber’s base and the use of internet, and the need for information retrieval â€Å"anywhere anytime† is now a reality. During this period, many new competing technologies have emerged. For example, we are witnessing operators integrating their 2. 5G networks with Wireless LANs (WLANs) to provide data services. With voice service fully deployed, operators are not able to make additional revenue. The only additional revenue operators can make is when subscribers switch service providers. In order to enhance their average revenue per user (ARPU), operators started powering data services. The need for higher data rates and new applications has led the industry to think about future network configurations. Since wireless companies already have stabled voice subscriber’s bases, provision of Internet services opens a new segment for business and additional revenue. This presents a challenge to the operators to re-design their business strategy and enhance their capability. Our paper deals with third generation wireless technologies (3G), i. e. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) family (GPRS, EDGE and UMTS), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and alternative technologies especially, Wi-Fi. We try to answer very general, yet popular, questions among operators, not only in developed countries but emerging markets as well. We approach the case as follows: (1) we compare and differentiate the above next generation wireless technologies focusing on their bro adband internet services capabilities; (2) we identify and propose technological, economical and behavioral factors that accept the selection of wireless technologies for migration paths; 3) We study the case of the national incumbent operator in India, and the options this operator has in migrating to 3G systems; (4) we view the case from the perspective of vendor, service provider and users; and finally, (5) we use real options to value the most suitable to the operator migration path towards 3G. We find that capital expenditure, future subscriber growth that directly effects the revenue stream, and average revenue per user (ARPU) as the key explanatory variables in the analysis. We believe that given that uncertainty around high technological investments plays a key role in the deployment and success of wireless networks. Therefore, the wireless industry is a suitable domain to apply real options for investment analysis. Wireless Technology Overview Historical Overview of Mobile Communications Before we explain what constitutes third generation (3G) mobile technologies, it is worthwhile to take a look at the history of mobile communications. The evolution of mobile systems was based on common themes across different standards: mobility, security, roaming, and improved voice service. First generation (1G) mobile networks were designed with primary focus on voice communications, analog in nature, and provided localized wireless services. Examples of major 1G systems are: AMPS (Advance Mobile Phone System), TACS (Total Access Communications System), and NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephone). By the late 1990’s, The second generation (2G) systems were deployed. 2G systems were digital in nature, had enhanced voice capability in comparison to analog systems, better spectrum management, wider coverage area, circuit switching, and better mobility. 2G technology was composed of: GSM (Global System for Mobile-communications), TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access), and CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). The primary objective of 2G was to offer voice with added capability of SMS (Short Messaging Service) and text delivery. 2G technologies were deployed in 800, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz bands, offering data rates in the range of 9. 6Kbps to 14. 4Kbps (speed of a dial-up modem). During this time period, the market experienced the emergence of internet. The first equipment used to connect to the internet provided data rates of 9. 6Kbps to 14. 4Kbps. With the advancement in telephony industry, new technologies started offering broadband services over 200Kbps using Cable and DSL (Digital Subscriber Line). The possibility of offering the same data service issuing wireless technology was far from reality at that time. By the end of 2000, wireless voice services were already matured. The focus of wireless companies shifted to enhance data rates and make available the very same applications of wired networks to the wireless community. Advancements were made to 2G technologies to meet the market expectations. By 2001, 2. 5G technologies were introduced; High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD), General Packet Radio Services (GPRS), Enhanced Data Rate for GSM evolution (EDGE), and CDMA2000-1xRTT were introduced. . 5G technologies were digital in nature, offering circuit and packed switched data services. 2. 5G technologies offered data rates in the range of 28. 8/56. 6Kbps to 384Kbps (in ideal conditions), and services like: voicemail, email, location based services (LBS), web surfing using WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), and other e-commerce services. Third Generation (3G) Wireless Th e mobile industry follows two major standards: the GSM developed by ETSI, and the CDMA developed by TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association). Currently, there are two major partnership project groups: the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) and 3GPP2 (3rd Generation Partnership Project 2), that undertook the development of these technologies [35, 2, 3]. 3GPP is standardizing GSM based systems, whereas 3GPP2 is standardizing CDMA based systems. Under the IMT-2000 umbrella, UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems) based on WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) and CDMA2000 constitute the 3G systems. According to ITU, 3G systems should provide data rates of 144Kbps for vehicular, 384Kbps for pedestrian and 2Mbps for indoor environment. [pic] pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] History of reliance communication Reliance Communication Ventures Limited (the â€Å"Telecommunication Resulting Company†) was originally incorporated on July 15, 2004, under the Companies Act, 1956 as Reliance Infrastructure Developers Private Limited. The status of the Company was changed to Public Limited Company on July 25, 2005 a nd the name was changed to its present name, viz. Reliance Communication Ventures Limited, under Fresh Certificate of Incorporation consequent on change of name dated August 3, 2005. Main Objects of the RCVL as set out in Memorandum of Association of the Company are as under. ) To carry on and undertake the business of finance, investment, loan and guarantee company and to invest in acquire, subscribe, purchase, hold, sell, divest or otherwise deal in securities, shares, stocks, equity linked securities, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, commercial papers, acknowledgements, deposits, notes, obligations, futures, calls, derivatives, currencies and securities of any kind whatsoever, whether issued or guaranteed by any person, company, firm, body, trust, entity, government, state, dominion sovereign, ruler, commissioner, public body or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, whether in India or abroad. The Company will not carry on any activity as per Section 45 1A of RBI Act, 1934. ) To carry on and undertake the business of financial services like financial restructuring / reorganization, investment counseling, portfolio management and all activities and facilities of every description including all those capable of being provided by bankers, stockbrokers, merchant-bankers, investment bankers, portfolio managers, trustees, agents, advisors, consultants, providing other financial or related services and to carry on the activities of hire-purchase, leasing and to finance lease operations of all kinds, purchasing, selling, hiring or letting on hire all kinds of plant and machinery and equipment and to assist in financing of all and every kind and description of hire- purchase or deferred payment or similar transactions and to subsidize, finance or assist in subsidizing or financing the sale and maintenance of any goods, articles or commodities of all and every kind and description u pon any terms whatsoever and to purchase or otherwise deal in all forms of movable property including plant and machinery, equipments, ships, aircrafts, automobiles, computers, and all consumer, commercial, medical and industrial items with or without security and to lease or otherwise deal with them including resale thereof, regardless of whether the property purchased and leased is new and/or used and from India or abroad. 3) To carry on and undertake the business of acting as agent of any person, public or private sector enterprises, financial institutions, banks, central government and state governments and to do financial research, design and preparation of feasibility study reports, project reports and appraisal report in India and abroad. ) To carry on, manage, supervise and control the business of telecommunication, infrastructure, telecommunication system, telecommunication network, and telecommunication services of all kinds including and not limited to setting up telephon e exchange, coaxial stations, telecommunication lines and cables of every form and description, transmission, emission, reception through various forms, maintaining and operating all types of telecommunication service and providing data programmes and data bases for telecommunication. Change in Memorandum of Association since the Company’s inception |Date |Particulars | |July 21, 2005 |Increase in Authorized Capital from Rs. 100,000 to Rs. 500,000 | |July 25, 2005 |The status of the company was changed from Private Limited to Public Limited Company. |July 26, 2005 |Alteration of Main Object Clause | |August 3, 2005 |Change of name of the Company from Reliance Infrastructure Developers Private Limited to | | |Reliance Communication Ventures Limited | |August 11, 2005 |Alteration of Authorized Capital of the Company by subdividing the then existing Authorized Capital of| | |Rs 500000 divided into 50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each in to 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 5 each | | |Alteration of Main Object Clause. | |December 24, 005 |Increase of Authorized Capital of the Company from Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 6,500,000,000 | INDUSTRY PROFILE The Indian Telecom Industry Structural Reforms to Accelerate Economic Growth The Indian economy is on the path of resurgence. The gradual opening up of the economy ensured steady growth even at a time when other countries were in the grip of a massive slowdown. Progressive reforms such as the removal of restrictions on foreign investment and industrial delicensing are responsible for this growth. Tailoring the EXIM policy to promote exports and aligning the import duties to meet WTO commitments further contributed to this development. This trend is expected to continue in the next five years, driven by a favorable business policy environment in terms of tax cuts, broadening tax base, and reduced interest rates on borrowings. Such structural changes have had a positive impact on the telecommunications sector and a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13. 42 per cent is estimated for 2002-2006. The future of the industry lies in the mainline and cellular segments and constant technological innovations such as Internet Protocol (IP)-based services. Revenues from voice services will experience sustained growth even as those from data services are expected to increase sharply due to a surge in usage. The telecommunications industry in India is likely to see consolidation among major operators and privatization of many Government companies. The Country Industry Forecast for the Indian telecom industry studies the country-specific factors such as politics, business policy, and macroeconomic indicators that have an impact on this sector and its main segments. This report provides incisive analysis of the industry for 1996-2001 as well as forecasts for 2002-2006. Proactive Policies: Key to Future Growth Indias move toward globalization, especially in the telecom sector, has to be driven by transparent policies and better market conditions to attract foreign investments. According to this report,† The recent policy stance of opening of the international long distance (ILD) segment and legalization of Internet telephony should result in huge investment in the industry. However, the Government, on its part, should ensure an environment conducive to foreign participation by increasing the FDI limit and following transparent policies. Cellular Subscribers and Revenues for Robust Growth The entry of new operators and the introduction of novel services coupled with the increasing importance of wireless communication are factors that are likely to contribute to the growth in the number of subscribers in the cellular segment. As the report says, In the last quarter of 2001, the number of subscribers had reached the 5 million mark due to the continuous fall in airtime rates, achieving 0. percent mobile penetration in India. Revenues from cellular phones are expected to grow at a CAGR of 37. 29 percent during the forecast period with higher data usage a nd multimedia services. Reliance An Informal Organisation Reliance has organized to leverage knowledge for growth. It is generally accepted by now that the traditional command-and-control structure of organizations is not conducive to the process of sharing of knowledge. At Reliance, decision makers and knowledge workers talk directly to each other. Reliance has maintained a flat organization structure, and an informal work culture, which have kept it nimble-footed, despite it’s size. Reliance works by assigning teams of self-motivated, specialists, endowed with the right skill sets, to specific tasks, and facilitating their interaction to achieve cross-fertilization of ideas and knowledge. Innovative solutions emerge, because as a management process, Reliance puts the challenge on the table, and call upon team members, drawn from diverse backgrounds, with a wealth of individual experience, and each having different thinking styles and approaches, to constructively debate various options and find the answers. Reliance has found that this entire process of putting the organization’s collective knowledge into a melting pot, and stoking the fires to deliver solutions, has always produced results. This approach also eliminates the convoluted, and bureaucratic, decision making processes, which widen the gap between knowledge and action, and destroy organizational morale. Reliance Leveraging Knowledge for Growth It is important to know that how Reliance leveraged knowledge of the global chemicals industry, and the international financial markets, to achieve higher growth. When economic reforms began in India in 1991, Reliance saw the opportunity to achieve a global scale of operations, enhance our overall competitiveness, and ensure consistent growth in the future. At that time, the domestic institutional markets lacked adequate depth. Reliance’s global peer group enjoyed significant competitive advantages, through easy access to large amounts of international capital, with extended maturities, at optimal costs. Reliance quickly developed it’s knowledge of the international capital markets, which had till then been completely closed to the Indian corporate sector. Reliance then leveraged this knowledge to mobilize over US$ 2 billion from the international equity and debt markets over the next few years, and became pioneers enabling it to implement it’s major expansion plans. Reliance established an international benchmark yield curve for India, with maturities ranging from 7 years to 100 years, which was then used for subsequent transactions of other Indian corporate, and public sector undertakings. Reliance has the distinction of being the only company from Asia to issue 100-year bonds in the international capital markets. The 100-year Bonds offering in itself was a unique achievement, considering that Reliance was domiciled in India, with all the attendant sovereign constraints. What was a greater achievement (and what is not so widely known), is the fact that Reliance actually concluded this landmark transaction, in less than 100 minutes of obtaining the relevant government approvals. Reliance’s investment bankers had then remarked this elephant cannot only dance, it can actually tango!! In the future, Reliance intends leveraging it’s entire knowledge base, and it’s core competencies of complex roject management, motivation and retention of knowledge workers, and unique financial engineering capabilities, to enhance it’s leadership in existing businesses, and capture growth opportunities in new areas. Reliance will be playing a leadership role in the creation of a world-class digital infrastructure in India, which will pave the way for rapid economic growth in the country, and transform the dream of generating tens of billions of dollars of revenues from IT enabled services into reality. Reliance will achieve this, by leveraging the knowledge and expertise developed in setting up it’s world class manufacturing complexes, to create nationwide, all optic, broadband IP networks, with terabit capacity, connecting the countrys top 115 cities and towns, which will serve as the lifeline for the Indian infocom industry. Reliance – ADA Group [pic] |[pic] | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | RELIANCE CAPITAL Reliance Capital Limited (RCL) is a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) registered with the Reserve Bank of India under section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. RCL was incorporated as a public limited company in 1986 and is now listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchang e (India) With a net worth of Rs 4,123 crore and over 165,000 shareholders, RCL has established its presence as a leading player in the financial services sector in the country. On conversion of outstanding equity instruments, the net worth of the company will increase to over Rs 4,568 crore. RCL ranks among the top 3 companies in the private financial services and banking sector in the country, in terms of net worth. RCL sees immense potential in the rapidly growing financial services sector in India and aims to become a dominant player in this industry and offer fully integrated financial services. Business Overview RCL is registered as a depository participant with National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL) and Central Depository Services Ltd (CDSL) under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 1996. RCL has sponsored the Reliance Mutual Fund within the framework of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996. RCL primarily focuses on funding projects in the infrastructure sector and supports the growth of its subsidiary companies, Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited, Reliance Capital Trustee Co. Limited, Reliance General Insurance Company Limited and Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited. As of March 31, 2005, the company’s investment in infrastructure projects stood at Rs. 1071 Crores. The investment portfolio of RCL is structured in a way that realizes the highest post-tax return on its investments RELIANCE MUTUAL FUND Reliance Mutual Fund (RMF) has been established as a trust under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 with Reliance Capital Limited (RCL), as the Settler/Sponsor and Reliance Capital Trustee Co. Limited (RCTCL), as the Trustee. RMF has been registered with the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide registration number MF/022/95/1 dated June 30, 1995. The name of Reliance Capital Mutual Fund has been changed to Reliance Mutual Fund effective 11th. March 2004 vide SEBIs letter no. IMD/PSP/4958/2004 date 11th. March 2004. Reliance Mutual Fund was formed to launch various schemes under which units are issued to the Public with a view to contribute to the capital market and to provide investors the opportunities to make investments in diversified securities. The main objectives of the Trust are: To carry on the activity of a Mutual Fund as may be permitted at law and formulate and devise various collective Schemes of savings and investments for people in India and abroad and also ensure liquidity of investments for the Unit holders; To deploy Funds thus raised so as to help the Unit holders earn reasonable returns on their savings and To take such steps as may be necessary from time to time to realize the effects without any limitation is RCL’s asset management company which is amongst the top five private sector mutual funds in the country in terms of Assets under Management. (Rs. 10,129 Crores as on May 31, 2005). It is one of the fastest growing mutual funds in India, offering a well rounded portfolio of products to meet varying investor requirements. RMF was the first mutual fund in the country to launch sector specific schemes for the banking, power, media entertainment sectors. RMF has pioneered retail investing in the country by reaching out to investors and d istributors in more than 60 cities in the country. They have a strong investor base which stands at more than 5, 00,000. RELIANCE HEALTH Reliance Health is the outcome of the late visionary Dhirubhai Ambanis (1932-2002) dream to herald a health revolution in India by leveraging technology and delivering the healthcare to the doorsteps of Indias vast population. He saw in the potential of healthcare in India once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for India to leapfrog over its historical legacy of backwardness and underdevelopment and to provide better, efficient and cost effective healthcare services. Reliance Health sees immense potential in the rapidly growing Health services sector in India and aims to become a dominant player in this industry and offer fully integrated health services. Reliance Health is set to transform the Healthcare Landscape of India by venturing into: †¢ Managed Care Administration †¢ Health care Delivery and Integrated Health †¢ Health Informatics and KPO †¢ Consumer Health Reliance Health believes that above health initiative of Reliance ADA Group will refurbish the Indian Health industry to compete with best in the world while meeting the basic healthcare needs of Indian population. Focused on the high-growth health care market, Reliance Health has a broad suite of products and services that span the health services value-chain. With our unparalleled resources, expertise and service offerings, we will deliver integrated solutions that are innovative and practical. To our customers and partners, this means we help them focus on what matters most to them i. e. to remain in control of their primary goals. Led by experienced healthcare and technology teams, Reliance Health is directly addressing issues confronting Indian Healthcare. Reliance Health envisions developing into an integrated healthcare environment with broader interests across ancillary (supporting) industries and services delivery models. Reliance Health is a healthcare services company which aims at providing cutting edge healthcare solutions to Indians at affordable prices. In a country where healthcare is fast becoming a booming industry, Reliance will provide services that will compare with the best in the world. It also plans to venture into diversified fields like Insurance Administration, Health care Delivery and Integrated Health, Health Informatics and Information Management, Consumer Health. Reliance Health aims at revolutionizing healthcare in India by enabling a healthcare environment that is both affordable and accessible through partnerships with government and private businesses. Reliance Energy Ltd Powering Progress, Energising the Economy: Reliance Energy Ltd is Indias leading integrated power utility company in the private sector. It has a significant presence in generation, transmission and distribution of power in Maharashtra, Goa and Andhra Pradesh. With the ushering in of the power sector reforms and in the new environment of opportunity for the power sector, REL is a key player in this transformation process. Reliances gas finds in KG-D6 block in Krishna Godavari basin which constitutes 60% of Indias present total gas production, will provide an enormous opportunity to scale up power generation capacities in India. With the new gas find, REL has the unique advantage of integration from well head to wall socket. This will help the company position itself as a global integrated energy player under the Reliance banner. REL and its affiliate power companies rank among the top 25 listed private sector companies on major financial parameters. REL is part of the Reliance industries-Indias private sector company ranked among the worlds 175 largest companies in terms of net profit and the 500 largest companies in terms of sales. REL is committed to creating superior value for all its stakeholders and be amongst the most admired and trusted utility companies in the world by setting new benchmarks in standards of corporate governance, operational and financial excellence, responsible corporate citizenship and profitable growth. Reliance General Insurance Reliance General Insurance, a Subsidiary of Reliance Captial, is one of the first non-life companies to get the license from the IRDA. RGICL offers an exhaustive range of insurance products that covers most risks including Property, Marine, Casualty and Liability. Vision To be an insurer of World Standards and the most preferred choice for clientele at the domestic and global level. Mission Our Mission is to keep the customer satisfaction as focal point of all our operations, adopt the best international practices in underwriting, claims and customer service, be the most innovative in product development, establish presence all over India, ensure sustained value addition to all stake holders and to uphold Corporate Value Corporate Governance. Objectives †¢ Make affordable insurance accessible to all †¢ Keep customer as focal point for all operations †¢ Protect policy holders interests †¢ Adopt best international practices in claims, underwriting and policy servicing †¢ Be the most innovative in product development [pic] COMPANY PROFILE INTRODUCTION Reliance Infocomm is the outcome of late Dhirubhai Ambani’s dream of bringing about a digital revolution in India that will bring to every Indian’s doorstep an affordable means of information and communication. Make the tools of Infocomm available to people at an affordable cost. They will overcome the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of mobility, was how Dhirubhai, as he was fondly called, spelt out Reliance Infocomm mission in late 1999. He firmly believed the country could use information and communication technology to overcome its backwardness and underdevelopment. It was with this belief that Reliance Infocomm began laying its 60,000 route kilometers of pan-India fiber optic backbone in 1999. The backbone was commissioned on December 28, 2002, Dhirubhai’s 70th birth anniversary, first since his sad demise on July 6, 2002. Reliance Infocomm network is a high-capacity, integrated (wireless and wire line), and convergent (voice, data and video) digital network. The network is designed to offer services hat span the entire Infocomm value chain infrastructure, services, both for enterprises and individuals, applications, and consulting. The network is designed to deliver services and applications that will change the way we Indians live. It will harb inger a New India. Vision Reliance Infocomm envisions a digital revolution that will bring about a New Way of Life. A Digital Way of Life. For a New India. With mobile devices, net ways and broadband systems linked to powerful digital networks, Reliance Infocomm will usher fundamental changes in the social and economic landscape of India. Reliance Infocomm will help men and women connect and communicate with each other. It will enable citizens to reach out to their work place, home and interests, while on the move. It will enable people to work, shop, educate and entertain themselves round the clock, both in the virtual world and in the physical world. It will make available television programmes, movies and news capsules on demand. It will unfurl new simulated virtual worlds with exhilarating experiences behind the screens of computers and televisions. Users of Reliance Infocomms full range of services would no longer need audiotapes and CDs to listen to music. Videotapes and DVDs would not be necessary to see movies. Books and CD ROMs would not be needed to get educated. Newspapers and magazines would not be required to keep abreast of events. Vehicles and wallets will become unnecessary for shopping. Reliance Infocomm will disseminate information at a low cost. Make a telephone call cheaper than a post card. These prophetic words of Dhirubhai Ambani will be a metaphor of profound significance for Reliance Infocomm. Reliance Infocomm will regularly unfold new applications. Continually adapt new digital technologies. Create new customer experiences. Constantly strive to be ahead of the world. Reliance Infocomm will transform thousands of villages and hundreds of towns and cities across the country. Above all, Reliance Infocomm will pave the way to make India a global leader in the knowledge age. Business Reliance Infocomm will offer a complete range of telecom services, covering mobile and fixed line telephony including broadband, national and international long distance services, data services and a wide range of value added services and applications that will enhance productivity of enterprises and individuals. Reliance India Mobile, the first of Infocomms initiatives was launched on December 28, 2002, the 70th birthday of the Reliance group founder, Shri. Dhirubhai H. Ambani. This marks the beginning of Reliances dream of ushering in a digital revolution in India by becoming a major catalyst in improving quality of life and changing the face of India. It aims to achieve this by putting the power of information and communication in the hands of the people of India at affordable costs. Reliance Infocomm will extend its efforts beyond the traditional value chain to develop and deploy telecom solutions for Indias farmers, businesses, hospitals, government and public sector organizations. Network Telecommunication networks are the infrastructure for provisioning Infocomm services. All businesses today are dependent on telecom to continue their day-to-day operations. The range and quality of services that can be provisioned is determined by the quality of the network deployed. The Reliance Infocomm network consists of 60,000 kilometers of optical fibre cables spanning the length and breadth of India. These cables can carry thousands of billions of bits per second and can instantly connect one part of the country with another. This physical network and its associated infrastructure will cover over 600 cities and towns in 18 of the countrys 21 circles, 229 of the nation’s 323 Long Distance Charging Areas (LDCAs) and broadband connectivity to over 190 cities. This infrastructure will be backed by state-of-the-art information management systems and a customer-focused organization. An interesting aspect of the network is the manner in which these fibers are interconnected and deployed. Reliances architecture is so fault-tolerant that the chances of failure are virtually nil. Reliances ring and mesh architecture topology is the most expensive component to implement, but assures the highest quality of uninterrupted service, even in the event of failure or breakage in any segment of the network. Reliance has 77 such rings across the country with at least three alternative paths available in metros. Connected on this topology, the service has virtually no chance of disruption in quality performance. Reliances objective is to create value for our customers. Reliance will innovate ceaselessly so that state-of-the-art technology can be leveraged to create products and services that are affordable. Access networks determine the services that can finally be delivered to customer. Our network has wire line access technologies based on fiber as well as copper. Fiber in the access network makes broadband services easy to deploy. The wireless access network deployed for CDMA 1X is spectrum efficient and provides better quality of voice than other networks and higher data rates. CDMA 1X also provides an up gradation path to future enhancements. Technology Infocomm is the synergy of information and communication services brought about by the digitalization and convergence. In the fast moving and competitive knowledge era, Infocomm is not only a driver of growth but also competitiveness. Reliance Infocomm is revolutionizing telecommunication in India by provisioning services that would match with the leading operators of the most developed countries. These services are the outcome of state-of-the-art network technologies that have been inducted in the Reliance Infocomm network. Their network consists of the latest switching, transmission and access technologies. The core of the network consists of fiver deployed throughout the country. Deployed over the fiber media are the DWDM and SDH transmission technologies in ring topology to provide ultra-high bandwidth capacity and failure proof backbone. Beside circuit switched technologies, the backbone also has IP architecture and user MPLS technology to carry data on an overlay network. In addition gigabit Ethernet will provide broadband services on wireless access. The switching technology deployed in our network is based on a combination of wire line and wireless switches, While stat-of-the-art digital feature-rich wire line switches will meet the growing needs of Indian corporate the CDMA IX based wireless switches are advanced enough to provision not only quality spectrum efficient voice services but also 144 kbps of data rates besides SMS and MMS services CDMA IX provides an in-built connectivity to internet , which gives user the power technologies will enable us to provide high quality of voice and data services to give a new experience to user. Rational For demerger of Reliance infocom: SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT Rationale for demerger as set forth in the Scheme of Arrangement with respect to Telecommunication Services Business of Reliance Industries Limited The business carried on by Reliance Industries Limited (the â€Å"Demerged Company†) by itself and through its subsidiaries and affiliate companies and through strategic investments in the Telecommunication Undertaking, has significant potential for growth. The nature of risk and competition involved in each of the businesses undertaken by the Demerged Company, including the Telecommunication Undertaking, is distinct from others and consequently each business or undertaking is capable of attracting a different set of investors, strategic partners, lenders and other stakeholders. In order to enable distinct focus of investors to invest in some of the key businesses and to lend greater focus to the operation of each of its diverse businesses, the Demerged Company proposes to re-organize and segregate by way of a demerger, its business and undertakings engaged in wireless and wire line telecommunication services, which comprises the Telecommunication Undertaking. The Telecommunication Undertaking has tremendous growth and profitability potential and is at a stage where it requires focused leadership and management attention. Hence, simultaneously, with the re-organization and segregation of the business, the Demerged Company also intends to e-organize the management of the business and undertaking to provide focused management attention and leadership required by the business which is to be segregated and demerged. In particular, Anil D. Ambani, the erstwhile Vice Chairman Managing Director of the Demerged Company would take responsibility for providing such f ocused management attention and leadership to the Telecommunication Undertaking whereas Mukesh D. Ambani, Chairman Managing Director of the Demerged Company would continue to lead the businesses retained by the Demerged Company including, in particular petrochemicals, refining, oil and gas exploration and production, textiles and other businesses. Under the Scheme of Arrangement, the Demerged Company’s undertakings comprising its interests and strategic investments in the telecommunications business be segregated and demerged, pursuant to a Scheme of Arrangement under Sections 391 to 394 of the Act, and transferred to the Company for achieving independent focus in these areas. The Demerged Company will continue its interests in the businesses of petrochemicals, refining, oil and gas exploration and production and textiles and develop new areas in the economic development of the country. Clause 19 of the Scheme reads as under: â€Å"19. Agreements The Resulting Companies will have the right to use the â€Å"Reliance† brand and logo and suitable agreements will be entered into in this regard. Further, suitable arrangements would also be entered into in relation to (i) non-competition in relation to the businesses of the Demerged Undertakings and the Remaining Undertaking; (ii) supply of gas for power projects of Reliance Patalganga Power Limited and REL with the Gas Based Energy Resulting Company; and (iii) Transfer of leasehold rights of RIL to the relevant Resulting Company with respect to the relevant Demerged Undertaking. † Clause 12. 2 of the Scheme reads as under: |12. 2 |(a) |Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 12. 1 above, each of the Resulting Companies shall issue to the | | | |Depository representing the holders of GDRs of the Demerged Company, shares of the Resulting | | | |Companies in accordance with the relevant Share Entitlement Ratio. Subject to Clause (b) below, the | | | |Depository of the Demerged Company shall hold such shares of the Resulting Companies on behalf of the | | | |holders of GDRs of the Demerged Company; | | |(b) |(i) |Each of the Resulting Companies may, on or before expiry of 150 (One hundred and fifty) days from | | | |the Record Date, in consultation with the Depository for the GDR holders of the Demerged Company | | | |and by entering into appropriate agreements with the said Depository or any other Depository | | | |(appointed by the Resulting Companies) for the issuance of GDRs, (whether listed or otherwise), | | | |instruct such Depository to issue GDRs of the Resulting Companies, or any of them, to the holders of | | | |GDRs of the Demerged Company and any such issue of GDRs shall be irrevocably put in motion | | | |within the said period. Subject to sub-clause (ii) below, if the Resulting Companies have not had such | | | |GDRs issued as aforesaid, the Bank of New York as the Depository for the Demerged Company shall, | | | |without reference to the Resulting Companies, sell the shares of the Resulting Companies in the open | | | |domestic market and distribute the net sale proceeds to such GDR holders on a proportionate basis. | ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-clause (i) above, any holder of GDRs of the Demerged Company may at anytime after the Record Date, but prior to the issuance of GDRs by a Resulting Company, instruct the Depository to transfer the underlying shares of such Resulting Company to such GDR holder. In such case, the relevant Resulting Company shall obtain such permissions as may be necessary. (c) The holders of GDRs of the Demerged Company who wish to directly receive shares of the Resulting Companies may surrender the GDRs of the Demerged Company held by them before the Record Date in exchange for shares of the Demerged Company. Such GDR holders holding shares of the Demerged Company on the Record Date shall then be entitled to rec eive shares of Resulting Companies in accordance with the Share Entitlement Ratio under Clause 12. 1 above. Approvals with respect to the Scheme of Arrangement The Honorable High Court of Judicature at Bombay, vide Orders dated December 9, 2005 have approved the Scheme of Arrangement amongst Reliance Industries Limited (â€Å"RIL†) and Reliance Communication Ventures Limited (â€Å"RCVL†), Reliance Energy Ventures Limited, Global Fuel Management Services Limited (since named as Reliance Natural Resourcs Limited), and Reliance Capital Ventures Limited and their respective shareholders and creditors (the â€Å"Scheme†) pursuant to this Scheme the investment held by RIL in Reliance Communications Infrastructure Limited, Reliance Telecom Limited, Reliance Infocomm Limited and WorldTel Holding Limited has been transferred to and vested in RCVL w. e. f. September 1, 2005 (i. e. the Appointed Date under the Scheme) under Section 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956. In accordance with the said Scheme, the Equity shares of RCVL issued pursuant to the Scheme, subject to applicable regulations shall be listed and admitted to trading on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (â€Å"BSE†) and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (â€Å"NSE†). Such listing and admission for trading is not automatic and will be subject to such other terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Stock Exchanges at the time of application by RCVL seeking listing. The aforesaid Order of the Honorable High Court of Judicature at Bombay was filed by RIL and RCVL with the Registrar of Companies (â€Å"ROC†), Maharashtra on December 21, 2005, which is the Effective Date of the Scheme. Subsequently, SEBI, vide its letter CFD/DIL/SC/58120/2006 dated January 19, 2006 has granted relaxation from the strict enforcement of the requirement of Rule 19(2)(b) of the Securities Contract Regulation (Rules), 1957 (SCRR) for the purpose of listing of shares of RCVL subject to the transferee company, viz. , RCVL, complying with all the provisions of Clause 8. 3. 5 of the SEBI (DIP) Guidelines, 2000. RCVL has submitted its Information Memorandum, containing information about itself, making disclosures in line with the disclosure requirement for public issues, as applicable, to BSE and NSE for making the said Information Memorandum available to public through their websites. This Information Memorandum is made available on the website of RCVL (www. rcovl. com), website of BSE (www. bseindia. com/ipo/schema. asp) and website of NSE (www. nseindia. com/content/equities/RCVLIM. pdf). RCVL will publish an advertisement in the newspapers containing its details in line with the details required as per clause 8. 3. 5. 4 of SEBI (DIP) Guidelines. The advertisement will draw a specific reference to the availability of this Information Memorandum on the website of RIL as well as the Stock Exchanges. RCVL also undertakes that all material information about itself shall be disclosed to stock exchanges on a continuous basis so as to make the same available to public, in addition to the requirements, if any, specified in Listing Agreement for disclosures about the subsidiaries. The entire network is seamlessly integrated with the deployment of a range of operations and business support systems (OSS / BSS). These systems help make our operations more efficient and customer friendly. In addition, the state-of-the-art NOC helps us monitor our entire network at one place. Call center technology deployed would help us give the best customer service. Finally, the most important aspects of our services are the range of feature rich CDMA IX handset with wider color display at attractive prices. All handsets are data enables that will permit users to access our bouquet of services [pic] [pic] Mr. Anil D. Ambani, 46, is the Chairman of Reliance Capital, Reliance Communications and Chairman Managing Director of Reliance Energy Limited. Till recently he also held the position of the Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries Limited. The Reliance group is Indias largest business house, founded by late Shri Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932-2002). Mr. Anil D. Ambani is a Bachelor of Science from the University of Bombay and an MBA from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA. He joined Reliance in 1983 as Co-Chief Executive Officer. He has to his credit many financial innovations in the Indian capital markets and has pioneered Indias first forays into the overseas capital markets with international public offerings of global depository receipts, convertibles and bonds. He has directed Reliance in its efforts to raise, since 1991, around US$2 billion from overseas financial markets; with the 100-year Yankee bond issue in January 1997 being the high point of his endeavors. He has steered the Reliance Group to its current status as Indias leading textiles, petroleum, petrochemicals, power and telecom player. He is a Member of the Wharton Board of Overseers, The Wharton School, USA. Education : Bachelor of Science, University of Bombay MBA from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA Career : Joined Reliance in 1983, as Co-Chief Executive Officer. Has to his credit many financial innovations in the Indian capital markets. Pioneered Indias first forays into overseas capital markets with international public offerings of global depository receipts, convertibles and bonds. Directed Reliance in its efforts to raise, since 1991, around US$ 2 billion from overseas financial markets; with the 100-year Yankee bond issue in January 1997 being the high point of his endeavors. With an investment of over Rs 36,000 crore (US$ 9 billion) in petroleum refining, petrochemicals, power generation, telecommunication services and a port terminal, in a three-year time frame, he has steered the Reliance Group to its current status as Indias leading textiles-petroleum-petrochemicals-power-infocom-telecom player. Member : Wharton Board of Overseers, The Wharton School, USA Central Advisory Committee, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad Board of Governors of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Achievements : Adjudged as the CEO of the Year at the prestigious Platts Global Energy Awards for 2004. Voted as Indias most admired Chief Executive for the year 2004, for the sixth year in succession, in the Business Barons (Indias leading business magazine) Taylor Nelson Sofres Mode Survey; and ranked at the top in 3 out of 4 qualities: leadership, integrity and vision. Ranked No. 1 for the second consecutive year in The Power List 2004, published by India Today, March 2004. Voted MTV Youth Icon of the Year in September 2003. Conferred The Entrepreneur of the Decade Award by the Bombay Management Association in October 2002. Awarded the First Wharton Indian Alumni Award by the Wharton India Economic Forum (WIEF) in recognition of his contribution to the establishment of Reliance as a global leader in many of its business areas in December 2001 Named amongst The Power 50 Indias 50 most powerful decision-makers in Politics, Business Finance by Business Barons in August 1999 Selected by Asia week magazine for its list of Leaders of the Millennium in Business and Finance and was introduced as the only new hero in Business and Finance from India in June 1999. Leading business magazine Business Barons included him in its list of Indias 25 Most Influential Business and Financial Leaders in June 1998. Conferred the Businessman of the Year 1997 award by Indias leading business magazine Business India in December 1997. His Inspiration The strongest influence in Anils life is his father, Shri Dhirubhai Ambani. Here are a few quotes from the legend himself. Give the youth a proper environment. Motivate them. Extend them the support they need. Each of them have infinite source of energy. They will deliver. Growth has no limit at Reliance. I keep revising my vision. Only when you dream it you can do it. Anil Ambani creates new Reliance1 identity ANIL Dhirubhai Ambani Group embarked on a new corporate identity with its Chairman terming the new logo and look as a leap forward to reflect the spirit of new resurgent India. Addressing the groups employees through a web cast on the eve of the launch of the new logo and unveiling of new corporate entity, an exercise that may see a spending of over Rs 400 crore, ADAG Chief Anil Ambani said: Our new corporate colors blue and red convey values of integrity, confidence, energy and passion. Our new symbol, Reliance Apex, is an embodiment of hope, optimism and success, he said. The new identity for the third largest group in India came in less than a year of ownership settlement in Reliance empire between Anil and elder brother Mukesh on June 18, 2005 through an intervention by mother Kokilaben First Dhirubhai Ambani Memorial Lecture July 6, 2003 Good afternoon, you’re Excellency, the President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam, other distinguished speakers, ladies and gentlemen. It is not without reason that people across the length and breadth of this country yearn to hear you speak, your Excellency. One, of course, is the singular honors of being in the presence of the President of India. But even more so, as we have all experienced here today, it is because of what your Excellency says and the manner in which you say it. The Reliance family is deeply honored that you have graced an occasion, which for all of us will always be cherished. Your presence here has filled us with great pride and contributed to our immense learning. I am also thankful to Shri Amitabh Bachchan, Shri Chhagan Bhujbal, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, Shri Narendra Modi, Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde, Shri Arun Shourie, Shri Digvijay Singh, Dr. Manmohan Singh and Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav for being present with us here today in remembrance of Dhirubhai. With your permission, your Excellency I would like to narrate in all humility a small incident that took place just over a year ago. And that had a deep impact on me. This event was known only to Papa, you, your Excellency, Mukesh and I. And it occurred at a time when your Excellencys name had just been announced as a candidate for the office of President. I vividly remember it was Sunday, 23rd of June 2002. I was going to Hyderabad to attend the first convocation of the Indian School of Business. Your Excellency was the Chief Guest. As always before I left Mumbai, that morning, I went to meet papa and I told him I would be meeting with your Excellency and it would be nice if he wished you on the phone while I was with you, he of course, very readily agreed. When I met your Excellency in Hyderabad after the convocation ceremony was over, I requested you to spare a moment to speak to my father on the phone. You very graciously agreed and I got my father on the line. I thought to myself it would be a brief call, where you would speak to papa for perhaps a minute simply accepting his greetings. After all that is how these calls usually are. When two people who have never ever met before, speak on the phone without any agenda. But as I watched the call went on for a minute, two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, nearly fifteen minutes! I was amazed. I asked your Excellency, what papa had discussed with you. You gave me a very thoughtful smile and only said, Mr. Anil, you are a very lucky person. Your father is a great man. You were also kind enough to communicate that when you assumed office as President, papa was amongst the first people you would like to invite to meet with you in Delhi. On my journey back to Mumbai, that evening I kept w ondering, what papa could have said to you, which had made such an impact? When I reached home, I went straight to papas room and asked him what he had discussed with you for nearly fifteen minutes. He said, in his characteristic fashion, with a wave of his hand, I spoke to Dr. Kalam of all the things which concern India. I said to him let us do everything we can to make India one of the worlds leading economic superpowers. Let us link up all the rivers in this country to provide water to all. Let us use our huge stocks of food grains to feed millions of hungry people. Let us ensure high quality education for our children. Let us create millions of jobs for our youth. And let us make our country a land of plenty. These are the kinds of the goals we must achieve in our lifetime. That was the kind of man, papa was, your Excellency. He did not have the benefit of a formal education himself. But he was able to strike an instant chord that too on a brief phone call with an eminently learned person like you, your Excellency. Someone he had never even met before! He was looking forward to meeting you in person. Your Excellency but fate intervened. Within the next 24 hours he was to fall ill. And just two weeks later he departed for his heavenly abode. That conversation he had with you, your Excellency was in fact his last such conversation with any eminent public figure. This is what we all miss so much about you today papa! Your big ideas, your inspiring thoughts, your enthusiasm, your passion, your warmth, your simplicity, your humility, your sincerity. Your ability to give endlessly of yourself to others with not a thought to yourself. We miss your guiding hand papa. We will miss your loving nature. And, we always will. Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen Chairman message on launch of our new corporate identity May 27, 2006 5pm Dear Colleagues, Today, is a special moment in the life of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. It is a day when we take yet another leap forward in our long and exciting journey of learning and growing together†¦ Today, the entire family of the Reliance ADA Group, cutting across the length and breadth of our vast country, comes together to celebrate a unique moment – the launch of our new corporate identity. It is an occasion to remind ourselves, once again, of who we are, what we stand for, and what we aim to achieve in the days and years ahead†¦ It is a coming of age for our young family. Today is momentous in other ways too. It is a time of great transition in the life of our nation – a time when India is undergoing rapid transformation. This change is not just about our physical environment, it is not just about technology†¦ This change goes deep within – it is a change in attitude, in mindset, in belief, in dreams, hopes and expectations†¦ Today, we live in a world where the challenge is not merely to meet basic human needs, but to match and exceed rising human aspirations†¦   It is a world which is reaching higher, dreaming bigger, and demanding more; A world that is pushing the boundaries of hope, challenging the limits of possibility†¦ Nowhere is this change more dramatically evident than in India – a country that wakes up every morning, a little younger in age, and infinitely more ambitious in spirit. New India shows the impatience of youth; the desire for real and rapid transformation – for world-class products and services, for a quality of life that is second to none†¦ Reliance ADA group embodies the spirit of this new resurgent India. Our goal is not just to build a great enterprise for our stakeholders, but, more importantly, a great future for our country, to give millions of young Indians the means to fulfill their dreams, the power to shape their own destiny, and to realize their true and diverse potential†¦ Communications. Energy. Entertainment. Financial Services. Healthcare. Infrastructure. Media and more – our businesses span the entire landscape of emerging human aspirations. Our new corporate identity reflects this belief and commitment – to give shape and direction to the consumer’s fast growing aspirations for a better life. Our new corporate colors Blue and Red convey values of integrity, confidence, energy and passion. Our new symbol, Reliance Apex, is an embodiment of hope, optimism and success. It represents the human urge for progress, the desire to reach higher, the will to succeed, the resolve to shape a better future†¦ The Reliance typeface is a unique combination of upper and lower case characters, representing our essential openness and accessibility†¦ Our multi dimensional look conveys our deepest appreciation for the rich diversity of human life and aspirations – the unifying basis for our varied business interests†¦ Our new identity is our common inspiration and binding force†¦it expresses our commitment to bridge the gap between quality and quantity; to leverage our strength in managing large-scale operations even as we create best-of-class products and services. It depicts our resolve to surpass the rising expectations of our young consumers. This is New Reliance†¦ The New Reliance for the New World†¦ It is a fundamental change in the way we relate to ourselves, to the world, and to one another†¦ It is a change in the way we work, the way we respond to stakeholders, the way we look at competition†¦ The success of this process requires us to look at ourselves not as individuals with limited roles and responsibilities, but as members of one team, one family, one collectivity – in one word, to work not as mere employees but as