Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Big Brother Influence essays

The Big Brother Influence essays The concept of Big Brother, when an interfering government abridges the privacy and basic rights of its citizens, has been gaining acceptance among influential Americans. This Big Brother influence in the United States takes the form of allowing the government to take some of our freedoms away so that the government can catch criminals more efficiently. Some would describe Big Brother as the unknown they that people talk about when referring to the government. The problem with this is that when the people of the United States allow their freedoms to be taken away, the government never gives them back. Thus, freedoms shrink when the people keep giving our freedoms away to feel safer. The Big Brother concept has been gaining momentum in the United States of America. There are many examples ranging from cameras being installed in Five Points in the Columbia area, to the drug war on America, and the battle against terrorism. The book 1984 is the ultimate guide for the Big Brother concept. It shows why we, the people of the United States, need to resist an even greater incursion of governmental control over private citizens activities. The book 1984 provides the core of my argument. This satire shows the pitfalls of the Big Brother concept. The government in this book is called the Party. They control the all of society. The Big Brother in this book was represented by the ruler of the Party. Everything in the society related Big Brother to it. There were posters, televisions, coins, books, and movies and the like that had the Big Brother stamp on it. There were messages stating that, War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, Two and Two Make Five, and God is Power (Orwell 17,228). People were proud without truly understanding why. The Big Brother concept at its worst is a government which oppresses and co...

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